Parley and Pine nut Pesto - - Gluten Free Optional
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Thursday, June 18, 2015
By Brinda
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This is such a good versatile pesto and can be substituted with other herbs like basil instead of parsley or half of each. You can also add a different nut like walnuts. I love to freeze this into small 3 to 6 ounce containers to use as I need during the week. Pesto is also a great marinade to any meat and can be applied to fish, chicken and pork before grilling or as a topper (add a few tablespoons more oil if using as a merinade). Be creative, pesto is really about flavors you like.


  • 4 cloves chopped garlic
  • 3 cups Italian parsley (about two bunches) 1 cup arugula
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese
  • 3/4 cup pinenuts
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon salt or more to taste



  • 1.In a food processor add the garlic and 1/2 each of the parley and arugula, pulse about 4 times
  • 2. Add remaining parley and arugula and pine nuts, plus again until mixture looks blended about another 5 pulses. Do not over mix
  • 3. Add parmesan and salt and pulse another 5 times
  • 4. Steam in olive oil until mixture has come together
  • 5. Freeze in small containers for individual uses or enjoy right away



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